About parameters #
Parameters can be centrally managed for further usage in config.XO, platform.XO, image.XO or application.XO.
Features #
- Add parameters and assign a description and tags
- Parameter types available:
- Text
- Credentials
- Number
- Bool
- List
- Map
- Password
- Activity log to track changes
Use cases #
Create centrally managed parameters that can be used in different modules and areas without the need to constantly create multiple parameters.
Overview #
In the overview, you can find all created parameters with an optional description, the type as well as assigned tags and the value.

Add parameters #
By clicking on the green “+“, you can add a parameter.

Click Save.
Parameter details #
You can edit the values of a parameter by clicking ⚙️ and choosing Details.

Delete parameters #
Parameters can be deleted by using ⚙️ in the specific row of the resource or by selecting multiple resources and by using the multi-item-action button in the upper right corner above the data table.