Frequently Asked Questions

About XOAP

  • What is XOAP?

    XOAP is SaaS platform for hybrid IT automation. 

  • What is a XOAP Workspace?

    A XOAP workspace is a dedicated working area for the customer that is automatically provided within the account. Learn more about it .

  • How quickly can my account be created?

    The personal account is available in just a few steps and minutes. Check the video

  • Does XOAP need any infrastructure?

    No. An encrypted and secure connection is established to the XOAP backend.

  • Does XOAP have an API?



  • Annual billing discounts

    We offer discounts on annual bookings over 1, 2 or 3 years. For more information, contact Sales .

  • How can I purchase XOAP?

    XOAP is available as a subscription and can be purchased directly. It is also possible to receive a company quote and subscribe to the platform annually.

  • Is the free trial extended automatically?

    No, the free trial ends after 30 days. If you do not activate your paid subscription on time, your account created during the free trial will be cleaned up and closed – you will no longer have access to the data and it cannot be restored.

  • How can I purchase additional systems for config.XO?

    You can purchase up to 999 systems through your account. To find out more about our price scale, please check our pricing or contact us.


  • How do you prevent clients from registering with the Pull Server?

    We can restrict access to the XOAP Workspace by using client certificates.

  • Is a proxy communication supported?


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