Scripted Actions uses uploaded PowerShell scripts to configure your infrastructure components. Using this feature you can create virtual machines in Azure or AWS, adjust virtual networks, deploy new security groups and more.
Scripted Action tab #
This area shows all available Scripted Actions inside your account:

The most frequent information is:
- Name: The name of Scripted Action
- Description: The description of the scripted action
- Resource: Used resource from Global Resource area in Scripted Action
- Last run: Last run of the scripted action
- Tags: Keywords assigned to the application
- Run status: The last run status of the Scripted Action; shows the log of the last run when you click on it
Active runs tab #
This area shows all Scripted Actions in Running Status:

The most frequent information is:
- Name: The name of Scripted Action
- Description: The description of the scripted action
- Start date: Start date and time of current run
- Elapsed Time: Time elapsed from start time
- Connections: Number of Connections attached to the Scripted Action
- User name: Username of the user who started Scripted Action
- Status: Current run status of the Scripted Action
Past runs tab #
This area shows all past runs of the Scripted Actions:

The most frequent information is:
- End date: Date and time when run is finished
- Name: Name of the Scripted Action
- Runtime Duration: Duration of the last run
- User name: Username of the user who started Scripted Action
- Description: The description of the Scripted Action
- Status: Status of the Scripted Action run; shows log of the run when you click on it
- Download icon: Download run log when you click on it
Activity Log #
This area shows all activities related to the Scripted Actions:

The most frequent information is:
- Date & Time: Shows the date and time of the specific event
- Name: Name of Scripted Action connected to the event
- Action: Type of the event
- User name: Username of the user that triggers the event
Action menu #
These are currently supported actions that are available for a Scripted Action:
- Details: Show the details of the Scripted Action; allows you to change Description, Parameters, Tags and more
- Run: Run a Scripted Action
- Delete: Delete a Scripted Action; this does not remove the resource used in the Scripted Action
- View log: Shows the Scripted Action log of the last run; same can be achieved by clicking on Run Status

Scripted Action details #
You can check Scripted Action Details from two locations. The first one is from the Action menu as it’s described above. The second one is from the Overview page, by clicking on an eye icon:

On the Details page, you can check and change Scripted Action parameters, description, run the script and so on.

- Name: you can change the name of the Scripted Action
- Recourse Type: shows the name and type of used resource
- Tags: you can add or remove tags
- Description: you can edit the description of the Scripted Action
- Run Script: you can run a Scripted Action
- View script: you can view and edit the script used as a resource in Scripted Action
- Download script: you can download the script used as a resource in Scripted Action
- Parameters: you can change the values of Scripted Action parameters
- Connection: you can select additional connections to assignee it to the Scripted Action
- Past runs: you can check the status of past runs and check past runs logs
- Current version: you can select a version of the script that can be used in Scripted Action
Add a new Scripted Action #
There are two prerequisites for creating a new Scripted Action:
- Connection to cloud provider: more information on how to add a connection can be found here
- Upload a script to the global resource area: we provide some scripts that you can use for your Scripted Actions, but you can upload yours in the global resources area
To start a creation of new Scripted Actions, go to Platform Management, Scripted Actions and click the green + button.

In the first step of the “New Scripted Action” wizard, define a Name and select the script from Resources. Also, you can upload a script using the “Upload script from local computer” field. Optionally, you can select Tags and define a Description. When you’re ready, click Next.

In the second step, define values for parameters of the Scripted Action. Once defined, proceed to the last step by clicking Next.

Select one or more connections to cloud providers. These connections define which Tenant or Account this script will be run on.

In the last step, you can optionally select “Schedule” to assign it to your Scripted Action. This will run the Scripted Action automatically within a defined time frame. By clicking “Finish,” your Scripted Action will be available on the Scripted Action table and ready for use.