General #
Added Breadcrumb navigation through an entire app to make navigation easier.

Added a Dashboard link on top of the navigation bar to make it clearer how to get to the main dashboard.
image.XO #
NEW: Use Azure and AWS marketplace images. You now have thousands of options to choose from for your base images.

Added more info for the operating system when defining an image.

config.XO #
Removed Resources and Parameters and moved them to the central location.

application.XO #
Removed the need to save twice when adjusting installation parameters inside an application group.

Resources #
NEW: Central Resources area. You can now manage all necessary resources in one central place. Upload files needed during image template creations, for node configuration purposes or scripts for the usage in (platform.XO) and assign them wherever needed.

Tags #
NEW: Central Tags area. You can now manage tags centrally and assign them to items throughout the complete solution.

Parameters #
NEW: Central Parameters area. You can now create parameters centrally and use them in the different modules.
The available parameter types are:
- text
- credentials
- number
- bool
- list
- map
- password