This is an overview of all configured operating system configurations that can be attached to an image.

Table view #
The operating systems table view shows the following columns:
- Name: This is the name of the operating system
- Platform Details: This is information about the OS Platform
- SKU: This is a Stock Keeping Unit that describes a specific configuration of an OS
- Provider: This is a cloud provider Name
- Publisher: This is the publisher name of the OS
- Architecture: This is the architecture of the operating system
- HyperVisor: This is information about OS HyperVisior
- Region: This is an information about OS Region
- ImageID: This is OS Image ID
Add operating systems #
To add an operating system click on +.

First, you need to select the Provider for the operating system. This is currently either AWS or Azure. Then, you need to choose from the list of the available regions from the Region dropdown. After selecting a region, you need to select platform details. Currently, you can choose either Windows or Linux. This will generate a list of the OS that are available for you. For additional filtering use fields Architecture and Hypervisor or Advance filter option.
When you select the desired OS, click Save on the button of the table. The entry will be shown in the data table.

When you are ready click Save. The entry will be shown in the data table.