About schedules #
Schedules can be used to schedule runs of the image.XO Images and platform.XO Scripted Actions.
Features #
- Create schedules and assign descriptions and tags.
- Assign an image or scripted action to the schedule.
- Configure the schedule’s run time by minute, hour, day, week or month.
Use cases #
There are many use cases for using Schedules. For example, schedule scripted actions for cleaning data in Azure or AWS, or schedule an image update every second Tuesday to get the latest Microsoft Windows updates on your image.
Overview #
In the overview, you can find all created schedules, along with their descriptions, tag information and the date and time of the next scheduled run.

Under the Activity log, you can find information about different actions performed on a specific schedule.

Add new schedule #
To add a new schedule, click on the green + in the top left corner.
This will open the Add New Schedule window. In this window, you should define the name and set the date and time for the schedule. You can also set tags and a description.

After filling in the mandatory data, you can click Next in the lower left corner.
In Step 2, you can assign scripted actions to one or more images by clicking on the box in front of each image or scheduled action name. When you are done, click Finish to create the new schedule.

Action menu #
On the overview page, under the action menu, you can perform two actions:
- Details – Check and edit schedule settings.
- Delete – Remove a schedule.

In the schedule details, you can add additional tags, edit the description and change the run time logic. You can also assign additional images or scripted actions to the schedule.

You can delete one or more schedules. To delete multiple schedules, select them and use the Actions button in the top right corner.