This area shows all created configuration groups within your tenant.
Table view #

Here you can find the following columns.
- Name: The name of the group.
- Configuration: The configuration attached to the group.
- Policy: The Life Cycle Management (LCM) policy which is attached to the group.
- Version: As soon as you choose a configuration that was created with the DSC Configuration Wizard, a version field is available from where you can choose the desired version.
- Created by: User that created the configuration group.
- Update by: User that last updated the configuration group.
- Application Role: If you have the application.XO module enabled in your tenant, you can assign application roles to a node group.
- Node Count and Node Status: The number of nodes and their status.
Action menu #
Click on the ⚙️ to select further functions.

Edit #
This will open a pop-up with more information about the node, as listed below.

- Name: Opportunity to adjust the name of the group.
- Configuration: This is the DSC Configuration that should be attached to the group. The DSC Configuration has to be created and available under configurations before you can assign it to the group.
- Policy: The LCM policy that should be attached to this group. The policy has to be created before you can assign it to the group.
- Version: Version of configuration that will be applied to the group. You can select a specific version or the Latest. In case you select Latest, the newest version of the configuration will always be applied.
- Application Role: If you have the application.XO module enabled in your tenant you can also assign application roles to a node group.
- Selected Nodes: The selected nodes tab shows you the nodes assigned to the group. You can unassign nodes from the group here.
- Available Nodes: The available nodes tab shows you the nodes you can assign to the group.
Download registration script #
You can download a registration script for Windows-based nodes. This script should be run on all nodes you want to register with config.XO.
Copy registration command #
You can copy the registration command into your clipboard. Run this command on all nodes you want to register with config.XO
Delete #
Deleting a node group deletes the group. However, assigned policies, application roles or configurations will not be deleted.