image.XO #
We adjusted the options for most of the available provisioners. This enables more possibilities during the image configuration and deployment process.
DSC Local Configuration #
We added more options to the DSC Local Configuration provisioner.

File #
We added more options to the File provisioner.

Linux Shell Command #
We added more options to the Linux Shell Command provisioner.

Linux Shell Script #
We added more options to the Linux Shell Script provisioner.

PowerShell Command #
We added more options to the PowerShell Command provisioner.

PowerShell Script #
We added more options to the PowerShell Script provisioner.

Windows Restart #
We added more options to the Windows Restart provisioner.

Windows Update #
We added more options to the Windows Update provisioner.

Azure gen2 SecureBoot and VTPM for Azure Gallery images #
You can now enable SecureBoot and VTPM for Azure Gallery images in the builder configuration.

application.XO #
You can now assign tags to applications, groups and roles, that were created in the new Tags area. You can also create and assign new tags inside application.XO
🟢 Fixed
- [image.XO] Installation log files do not load
🟡 Known Issues
- [activity-log] CorrelationID cannot be filtered
- [application.XO] Persist search query setting does not work with new data tables
- [application.XO] Currently, tags are not sortable