Please have a look at the following prerequisites for platform.XO on AWS.
There are three connection types for AWS:
- AWS-Access Key: More information about managing access keys for IAM users can be found here
- AWS-Assume Role: More information about AssumeRole can be found here
- AWS-Assume Role (Cross-Account)
Make sure you assign needed permissions. In case you are going to use the same connection for image.XO to, you can find needed permission details here.
Azure #
Please have a look at the following prerequisites for platform.XO on Azure.
Create a Service Principal with contributor role access to an Azure subscription with Azure CLI (Source).
Command format #
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name [ServicePrincipalName] --role Contributor --scopes /subscriptions/[SubscriptionId] --years 1
Command example #
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name xoap-image-principal --role Contributor --scopes /subscriptions/xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx --years 1
Command output #
"appId": "[ClientId (Guid)]",
"displayName": "xoap-image-principal",
"name": "http://xoap-image-principal ",
"password": "[Password/ClientSecret]",
"tenant": "[TenantId (Guid)]"
From that output, you can create a connection for your subscription.
SubscriptionId: xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
TenantId (tenant): [Guid]
ClientId (appId): [Guid]
ClientSecret (password) [Text]
If you need more rights, you can assign your “Service Principal” to additional roles.
A list of roles with descriptions can be found on the Azure documentation page.