Achieve Windows 11 security in minutes with our baseline setup

This quick and simple tutorial will guide you through finding, modifying, and assigning the Windows 11 Security Baseline in XOAP.
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XOAP now provides newly registered users with direct access to the Windows 11 Security Baseline in their Workspaces. Still not a XOAP user? Start for free here.

The Windows 11 Security Baseline integrates best practices from the Centre for Internet Security (CIS) and Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIG) from the latest October release.

This quick and simple tutorial will guide you through finding, modifying, and assigning the Windows 11 Security Baseline in XOAP.

How to use the Windows 11 Security Baseline in XOAP

Follow along with the video tutorial:

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Step 1: Locate the Windows 11 Security Baseline

Log in to your XOAP account. Navigate to Configuration Management → Configurations. Use the search bar to find Windows 11 Security Baseline.

Step 2: Modify and save a new version (optional)

The baseline is pre-configured with best practices, but you can adjust settings to fit your organization’s needs:

Open the configuration and make the necessary changes. Save it as a new version to preserve both the original and updated configurations. This allows flexibility; you can switch between different security configurations as needed.

Extend it with all common modules available in your XOAP account under Configuration Management → Modules, or extend the configuration with self-created modules or Group Policy settings.

Step 3: Assign the Security Baseline to systems

To apply this security configuration to your systems. Go to Groups in XOAP and choose an existing group or create a new group. Click Edit and assign the newly saved configuration version to the group.

Once assigned, all connected systems in that group will automatically receive the updated security baseline.

What if you can't find the Windows 11 Security Baseline?

 If the baseline is not available in your XOAP account, download it at the end of this blog.

					Name: Windows11_Security_Baseline 
Description: Windows 11 security and compliance baseline 
Following DSC modules are required within the XOAP workspace when working towards the Windows 11 Security Baseline configuration: 

XOAPBaselineModuleDSC, XOAPCISBenchmarkDSC and XOAPSTIGOctober2024DSC are all provided by template whenever one creates a new workspace account and should be present in every case.

Stronger security with less effort

The Windows 11 Security Baseline in XOAP makes security simple and powerful. With just a few clicks, you can lock down your systems using the best practices from CIS and STIG.

Once assigned, it automatically keeps everything in line, so you don’t have to worry about constant updates or manual fixes. Need to tweak something? Customize it, save a new version, and roll it out instantly. It’s security that just works – strong, flexible, and easy.

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Download Windows 11 Security Baseline

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